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About us

"Life is a school where failure is a better teacher than success."


About us

Dear Parents,

We wanted to take a moment to share a glimpse into our school community here in Bratislava. We're a private elementary Bilingual Montessori school, and we take great pride in our approach to education.

While academics are certainly important, our focus extends far beyond the classroom. We're deeply committed to nurturing your children not only as students but as individuals with values and character. Our goal is to instill in them qualities like kindness, respect, and independence, preparing them to make positive contributions to society.

In our school, we emphasize the importance of values such as tolerance, responsibility, and environmental consciousness. We believe that by providing a supportive and nurturing environment, we can help your children flourish both academically and personally.

We understand the fundamental importance of meeting your child's emotional needs, fostering a sense of security, and encouraging their natural curiosity and passion for learning.

 We are here to support you and your family every step of the way.

Warm regards,

 Naša škola Team

Our values

"Mutual communication is the basis of cooperation.

Freedom and responsibility.

Confidence in the growth of the pupil's personality.

Error as a means of learning."

Smiling Businesswoman

Martina, Bratislava

"Moja dcéra Karla sa v škole cíti rešpektovaná a prijatá. Má radosť z objavov nových vecí. Je to škola, ktorá mne ako dieťaťu chýbala. Verím, že žiaci v nej naplno využijú svoj potenciál."

Blond Woman

Vanda, Bratislava

"Hľadali sme školu, ktorá v našom synovi nezabije zvedavosť, kreativitu a chuť spoznávať svet. V Našej škole však dostáva omnoho viac - láskavú, druhú rodinu, ktorá sa učí a posúva spolu s ním. Každé dieťa si zaslúži kvalitné vzdelanie, oporu a kopu srandy, a tento fantastický mix je u nás krásnou realitou."

Image by Fray Bekele

Zuzana, Bratislava

“Ako rodičia najviac oceňujeme, že škola prirodzeným spôsobom vedie deti k maximálnej samostatnosti a zodpovednosti. Obdivujeme kreatívne techniky, pomocou ktorých učitelia sprostredkúvajú deťom učivo - vďaka čomu to deti poľahky pochopia, zapamätajú si a ešte ich to aj baví.”

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